Image of America

Image of America

"How will the image of America change with the election of Barack Obama?"

Image of AmericaDespite occasional setbacks, the image of America on the world stage strengthened throughout the 20th century, from a vibrant young country to a world power after World War I, and then its superpower after World War II.

The Berlin airlifts further enhanced the image of America, as did the millions of Americans who volunteered for the Peace Corp, missionary endeavors and other overseas service, as well as the billions of dollars that Americans donated to international causes, both privately and through government programs.

The invasion of Iraq under a false pretense (see Bush responsible) and the images of sexual torture from Abu Ghraib undid in a few short years the positive image America had built abroad through a century of toil, sacrifice and generous aid, for we too have become a country that launches unjustified invasions and commits war crimes.

The election of Barack Obama is being seen abroad as America's contrition for the invasion of Iraq, as well as for our slavery past (see Barack Obama racism), but it will actually accelerate America's decline (see America in Decline).