Michele Bachmann Christian

Michele Bachmann - Christian

Michele Bachmann Christian(continued from Michele Bachmann Positions)

While Michele Bachmann has yet to share her Christian testimony as invited and reminded, the fruits that Michele Bachmann has borne to date appear to reflect the life of a fallible yet born-again Christian.

After becoming a Congresswoman in 2005, Michele Bachmann energized the Christian base across America and quickly rose to national prominence by boldly sharing her Christian worldview on the national stage.

As a presidential candidate, Michele Bachmann was expected to run an equally bold campaign that expressed her unabashed trust in the Lord, like Duncan Hunter (see Christian testimony).

Disappointingly, Michele Bachmann ran a tame, timid campaign indistinguishable from those of the other Presidential Candidates. Instead of deeply delving into key issues, she skipped through them, parroting her talking points while toning down her Christian worldview.

One of the causes of this transformation is her reliance on political operatives and conventional political logic for capturing the presidency. Hints of two other causes appeared in her response when asked by the media whether or not she believed Mitt Romney's Mormonism to be a cult.

She replied:

"This is so inconsequential as far as this campaign is concerned. To make this a big issue is ridiculous right now, because every day I'm on the street talking to people. This is not what people are talking about."

Firstly, Michele Bachmann knows that the Mormon cult blasphemously claims Jesus and Satan are brothers. The Satanic lie that portrays the perfectly holy Lord and Savior as the brother of Satan would not be "inconsequential" to her campaign if it prioritized the Lord's honor.

Secondly, she needs to remind herself of who is sovereign over election results. She should continue to hear "what people are talking about" but aim her campaign at pleasing the Lord more than human beings.

While reminding Liberty University students on September 27, 2011 on why the pilgrims survived and thrived in early America against seemingly insurmountable odds, Michele Bachmann exhorted (watch):

"They had to make a choice, and the choice was made. The choice was not to settle. The choice was to trust in Almighty God."

Michele Bachmann needs to stop settling and instead "trust in Almighty God" who is sovereign over election results. Until she does, her presidential candidacy rating remains a C.

Update: After terminating her campaign with a debt of over $1 million, Michele Bachmann betrayed Christians and Christ by endorsing Mitt Romney, whose campaign is cash rich and currently weighing running mate options. Her candidacy rating is lowered to C-.