Ban Molnupiravir

Ban Molnupiravir

10/06/21- calls for Molnupiravir to be banned calls on the FDA to reject Merck's application for emergency use authorization (EUA) of its new drug Molnupiravir for these 4 reasons.

1.  Molnupiravir creates new variants of SARS-CoV-2.

Molnupiravir acts by inserting itself into the genetic code of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and then inducing so many mutations as the virus replicates that most of the replicated copies experience genetic "error catastrophe" and die. But inducing genetic mutations also increases the likelihood of new variants arising among the viruses that do survive. Since the federal government has caused the creation of SARS-CoV-2, it should at least block the creation of its variants.

2.  Molnupiravir causes genetic mutations in human DNA.

Molnupiravir's mechanism of inserting itself into the genetic code of viruses also allows it to insert itself into the genetic code of mammals, as lab tests already have shown (source). While Merck has tried to downplay this occurrence, scientists are sounding the alarm over Molnupiravir causing mutations that lead to cancer, birth defects, and other devastating outcomes in the medium to long-term. As one scientist at the University of North Carolina said, “Biochemistry won’t lie. This drug will be incorporated in the DNA” (source). Aware of this risk, Merck eliminated pregnant women from its Molnupiravir trial and even told other subjects to not engage in sexual intercourse without condoms.

3.  Molnupiravir's efficacy against COVID-19 lacks unbiased evidence.

In announcing its decision to seek the FDA's emergency use authorization (EUA) for Molnupiravir, Merck claimed a 48% reduction in hospitalization or death in people who took Molnupiravir (28 among 385 = 7.3%) instead of a placebo (53 among 377 = 14.1%) in a phase 3 trial, which was biased in three ways. First, Merck conducted the trial in-house. Second, its partner in the trial was its partner that developed Molnupiravir. Third, to facilitate claiming that Molnupiravir will have a significant impact when deployed, Merck excluded from the trial the 75% of the general population who are under 60 years of age and do not suffer from a risk factor, and only included people who suffer from diabetes, heart disease, obesity, are over 60 years of age, or have some other factor that put them at elevated risk of being hospitalized or dying from COVID-19. The trial also had only 762 subjects and was therefore statistically weak.

4.  Ivermectin precludes an EUA for Molnupiravir.

Large independent studies spanning millions of people in dozens of countries have shown that Ivermectin reduces COVID-19 mortality by 89% and morbidity (sickness) by 86% in the general population (source). Since an EUA can only be granted for a new drug against COVID-19 if no drugs already exists that is effective against COVID-19, Ivermectin precludes an EUA being granted to Molnupiravir or any other new drug or vaccine against COVID-19.

Merck makes both Molnupiravir and Ivermectin but is pushing Molnupiravir while denigrating Ivermectin for two reasons. First, because Molnupiravir is patented, it can be priced at $700 per treatment regimen to generate huge profits, while there is no money to be made by selling the now off-patent Ivermectin, which companies in India and Bangladesh make and sell for $0.01 per tablet. Second, Molnupiravir will unleash more diseases on the world so that more drugs can be sold to treat them and generate even more profits.

For too long and especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA has sacrificed the health and lives of Americans to serve the profit interests of Big Pharma. FDA must reject the EUA application for Molnupiravir, rescind the COVID-19 vaccine EUAs, purge its ranks of all agents of Big Pharma, beg forgiveness from the public, and strongly promote the use of Ivermectin.