Church Senator

Church Senator

I am glad to see you endorse Duncan Hunter (profile). Your information on Senator Fred Thompson though is incorrect. Senator Fred Thompson is a member of the Church of Christ, not the United Church of Christ. One strictly follows only what is written in the Bible apart from human creeds while the other, the United Church of Christ is a denomination dictated by the creeds of men. My former roommate in college now preaches for the church where Senator Fred Thompson's mother worships in Tennessee and which he attends when he visits her. They do not endorse homosexuals as preachers or pastors, and they are against abortion and gay marriage. I like your site but you have grossly mis-represented Senator Fred Thompson. Thank you.

Steve Moreland
Rockledge, Florida response:

Thank you for your email. Senator Thompson was raised in the Church of Christ and still attends it when visiting his mother, but chose to be married at the First Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) in Naperville, Illinois, and until very recently his positions on social issues were closer to those of the UCC than the Church of Christ. On November 13, 2007, we sent multiple emails to Senator Thompson's campaign requesting comments if any of the information on Senator Thompson resume, including his UCC affiliation were incorrect. To date, we have not heard back. If Senator Thompson responds and indicates that he is a member of the Church of Christ, we will be pleased to amend his profile accordingly.