Jeb Bush Religion

Jeb Bush - Religion

Jeb Bush ReligionWhat is the religion of Jeb Bush? Is Jeb Bush a Christian?

Jeb Bush, the 2016 Republican candidate for president and former Governor of Florida (see Jeb Bush Background), claims to be a Christian, but questions arise about his switch in faith. has invited Jeb Bush to share his Christian testimony in response to the questions below, and looks forward to his answers.

1. Are you a Christian?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

2. When and how did you become a Christian?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

3. How did becoming a Christian change you?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

4. How would you describe your relationship with Jesus today?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

5. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

6. Do you believe Jesus is God?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

7. Do you believe Jesus died on the cross?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

8. Do you believe Jesus Rose from the dead?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

9. Do you believe Jesus Ascended to heaven?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

10. Do you believe Jesus will return someday?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

11. Which person, if any, do you believe represents Jesus on earth until He returns?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

12. By what criterion do you believe people go to heaven?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

13. By what criterion do you believe people Go To Hell?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

14. In the past 12 months, how much time have you spent in prayer daily?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

15. When you pray for our nation, what do you pray for?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

16. In the past 12 months, how much Bible-reading have you averaged daily?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

17. What are your 2-3 favorite Bible verses and why?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

18. In the past 12 months, how many non-Christians have you told Why Jesus Died?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

19. In the past 12 months, about how many church services have you attended?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

20. Which church do you attend most frequently?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

21. Which gift(s) has the Holy Spirit given you and what fruit(s) have they borne?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

22. Why would Jesus want you to be our next president?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

23. What experiences have prepared you to be our next president?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

24. How do you define Marriage?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

25. Under what circumstances should Abortion be allowed?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

26. What is your opinion of Islam?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

27. What do you consider to be the top three challenges America faces today?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

28. What do you believe to be the underlying root cause(s) of those challenges?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

29. What do you believe to be the key to overcoming those challenges?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

30. What else would you like to say to Christian voters?
Jeb Bush: (awaiting response)

Before God, I affirm my answers above to be entirely true and without exaggeration.
