Michele Bachmann Beliefs

Michele Bachmann - Beliefs

Michele Bachmann Beliefs(continued from Michele Bachmann Religion)

What exactly are Michele Bachmann's beliefs and upon what are those beliefs founded?

According to Michele Bachmann, her beliefs are founded on the Bible, which she claims to uphold above fallible human beliefs and understanding (see When was the New Testament written? and New Testament manuscripts). During her September 2003 interview at the KKMS radio station, Michele Bachmann said:

"I look at the Scripture and I read it and I take it for what it is. I give more credence in the Scripture as being kind of a timeless word of God to mankind, and I take it for what it is."

When human 'wisdom' contradicts the Bible, Michele Bachmann tends to side with her beliefs based on the Word of God. Regarding the origin of life, for example, she told KKMS in 2003, "Evolution is a theory that has never been proven one way or the other." (Actually, it is a theory that continues to be disproven by new discoveries - see Charles Darwin facts).

Regarding homosexuality, she said in 2004:

"We need to have profound compassion for people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life and sexual identity disorders."

On March 20, 2004, the state Senator Michele Bachmann recounted to KKMS:

"Two homosexuals that were holding up my picture this week at the [state] Capitol and shouting that I want to hate people, I walked up to them and said, 'I don’t hate you. I love you and the Savior who created you. He loves you, too, can I tell you why? (see Justice of God)'"

>> Continued
11. Do you believe Jesus is God?
Michele Bachmann: (awaiting response)

12. Do you believe Jesus died on the cross and then rose from the dead?
Michele Bachmann: (awaiting response)

13. Do you believe Jesus ascended to heaven?
Michele Bachmann: (awaiting response)

14. Do you believe Jesus will return someday?
Michele Bachmann: (awaiting response)

15. Do you believe in the existence of both heaven and hell?
Michele Bachmann: (awaiting response)

16. By what criteria do you believe people go to heaven or hell?
Michele Bachmann: (awaiting response)

17. How would you characterize the original and current relationship between Jesus and Satan?
Michele Bachmann: (awaiting response)

18. Do you believe that Islam at its foundation is a religion of peace?
Michele Bachmann: (awaiting response)

19. How many books in the Bible do you believe are inspired by God and inerrant?
Michele Bachmann: (awaiting response)

20. Which Bible verse(s) is/are particularly dear to you and why?
Michele Bachmann: (awaiting response)